Tag Archives: » ASPIRATIONS
What’s the worst that can happen? Just do it!
What’s stopping you from doing what you aspire to, but have not done yet? What are the benefits and added value if you do it? And – what’s the worst that can happen? Just do it! This week I did my first FB live video on dealing with your fears and taking action towards your …
How to find your real passion to have that dream job
I was giving a presentation last week in Riga Business School in alliance with University at Buffalo, The State University of New York on how to succeed in your career. One of the core messages in my presentation, which is something I strongly believe in, was – find your passion and do something that you are truly …
Revisit your aspirations and widen your horizons frequently
How often do you usually take time to revisit your success aspirations and widen your opportunity horizons? To start with, I recommend doing it at least once per quarter. And then – as frequently as you find it necessary. I will further share with you my five tips for constant revisitation. 1.Create a habit of …
Leader – Inspire Instead Of Motivate!
Motivation is something external to the person. It’s done to them. And it’s too difficult a job for you as a leader to constantly motivate your people. Inspire them instead. It’s much easier and enjoyable for you and more energizing for your people. How to inspire instead of motivate? Here are the top 3 steps …