Master The Power of LinkedIn for Your Business – live in Barcelona!
Posted on: April 28th, 2018
Posted in: Branding
Tags: barcelona, Business development, conference, event, LinkedIn, live event, personal brand, personal branding, Spain
If you are not yet benefiting from LinkedIn opportunities and not yet expanding your business exponentially through social media, especially LinkedIn, then it’s time for you to take part in this event and finally start profiting from opportunities that LinkedIn offers.
If you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, consultant or business owner – looking to up your social media impact game to skyrocket your business, then this event is for you. Come and join!
If you want to ensure that it’s much easier to attract your ideal clients and your target clients find you themselves and bring their friends along, who also need your services, then this seminar is exactly for you. Double your income and revenues though LinkedIn!
About the event:
It’s a totally different strategic LinkedIn impact event that will change your perspective of possibilities and rock your business exponentially. You will discover how to master the power of LinkedIn to accelerate your business development and dramatically increase the number of target clients demanding your services.
I am sharing my impact formula on how to enhance your personal brand, thought leadership and visibility on LinkedIn and rock your business results with customers finding you, coming to you themselves and requesting your services!
The platform is there, if you are not yet benefiting from it and profiting while being there, you are doing something wrong or not doing something that could actually rock your business targets. You have to use it strategically and authentically as per the tips and advice in this session and you will be amazed at the business results and brand loyality that you will achieve. This course is not about the ordinary, this is about authenticity to attract your target customers and rock your business.
I’m Inga Ezera, personal brand and business development partner. I help ambitious and dedicated entrepreneurs like you to develop your personal brand, up your social media impact game and sky-rocket your business by ensuring that your target clients find you themselves and request your services. So you can focus on doing the work you enjoy.
You will discover and learn how:
- Make more money utilizing the power of social media/online
- Stop trading your time for 1:1 meetings and get exponential exposure and visibility
- Reach more people with your message and attract your ideal clients
- Go from reaching 1:1 to 1:1000s
- Focus on the work you love
- Build your social media following with your target audience
- Grow a list of raving fans and repeat buyers
- Learn how to build a killer profile that attracts your ideal clients
- Expand your business through purposeful and impactful networking
- Ensure your thought leadership to dominate your niche
- Do all this in less time, with less stress and with a proven impact formula
You will gain:
- Awareness of 5 strategic tactics to successfully develop your business and impact through LinekdIn,
- Inspiration to act purposefully and with satisfaction about the results,
- Practical methods to implement, that bring real business results.
What are you waiting for?
I’m always sad to see talented business owners lose clients and customers, not because of their skills, knowledge or expertise, but because of inconsistency in their brand messaging and not utilising the latest trends to reach a wider audience of ideal clients.
So do you really want to stay where you are currently with your business and not utilise the impactful and strategic approaches to expand our visibility and impact, outreach your competition and get your ideal customers lining up to request your services?
Do you want your ideal clients to go to competitors just because they are not aware or not sure about your services and how you can best help them?
Or do you want to ensure that you have mastered the impactful Power of LinkedIn to dominate your niche with your thought leadership, outreach your competition and ensure your ideal clients know, like and trust that you are the one whos services they need?
I’m excited about the opportunities that mastering LinkedIn strategically for business has given me, I hope you will get that sense of excitement very soon – as soon as you will implement the strategies and action points of this session.
I will also offer a couple of great prizes in the session:
- The Success Planner book (impactful tools and valuable strategies to unlock your passion, achieve your goals and reach ultimate success) – the most active participant will receive a copy of this book.
- “Master the Power of LinkedIn for Your Business” Online course – prize draw, the winner’s choice – which course to take.
Who is this for: Entrepreneurs, business leaders, freelancers, consultants or aspiring to be. It’s the success key to enhance your business development.
When: 5 June at 19:00 – 21:00.
Where: Coco Coffice, c/Manso 17, 08015, Barcelona, Spain
Why: Discover how to develop business easier and exponentially.
About Inga Ezera: the founder of the Success Engine company, believes, that our success engine is inside each of us – we just have to find the right gas to fuel it up. She is an empowering and inspirational Personal Brand development partner and helps ambitious and dedicated entrepreneurs, business leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs like yourself to unlock their highest aspirations, think bigger, get crystal clear clarity and success strategies to achieve their ambitions and sky rocket their business and career quicker, smarter and bolder. She is dedicated to inspire you to think bigger and to empower you to achieve your goals and take you to a place in your life where anything is possible.
The Success Planner: