Inspire Reaching For STARs
We all have a dream when we join a company or accept a new role. As employees we want to contribute to achieve the company’s success, perform with excellence, feel recognized, develop our capabilities and our careers. We want to reach the stars, whatever the stars mean for each of us; and for each of us it is different.
How do we, as leaders, inspire our people to achieve their dream, to reach their stars and to contribute to the company’s performance and strategy execution? – it is a million dollar question. If we were all doing this with excellence – our companies would constantly achieve top results in the market.
I have developed and successfully implemented for businesses the STAR model to better connect with peoples’ aspirations and for leaders to better understand how to inspire their people. The STAR model is very simple and easy to apply, and very impactful. When you connect to peoples’ hearts, minds and aspirations, you can radiate an inspiration from them with true passion.
Here is a short summary of the STAR model and questions to ask in each stage:
S – Start. Why did they join the company. What are their aspirations?
T – Target. What are they aiming to achieve? How can we channel it? Do we have the right resources to achieve the strategy?
A – Action. What should they do to achieve the goal? What appeals most to them? How can we be supportive?
R – Results. How are they progressing? How are they achieving the results? What else is needed for their inspiration, development and retention?
Keep connecting with your people and inspiring them to reach for STARs!