5 Insights How To Get From Dreams To Reality

In a sunny Saturday morning instead of sleeping in or going for Christmas shopping, I decided to attend a developmental event, the seminar on shaping the mindset to focus on what matters in your life and how to more efficiently achieve the desired outcomes. The title of the seminar was a little bit over promising: “The 7 Keys To Unleashing Your Genius”, but as in an any seminar, there were some valuable takeaway insights that I want to share with you. They are facilitating to shape the mindset on how to get from dreams to successful and real outcomes. Here are my 5 key insights:
1. Tension is energy. We need to use the tension to get to the desired results. Geniuses use tension to achieve the incredible. The outcome depends on your motivation and how do you channel it to use the tension. Use it to apply your talents and to live your passion! We are where we are today because that is the level of tension we can deal with. Your ability to be with tension determines your level of mastery. Tension is energy, and energy is a vibration. To be the best you can be, you shall constantly work on increasing your energy levels, your vibration.
2. Cause and Effect law. You are 100% responsible for every outcome in your life. Or in another words said by Tony Robbins: “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Even if you are a victim in certain situation or you constantly get the second best recognition, not the first – that is caused by your thoughts, assumptions, beliefs that you have created in different events of your life journey. If you want to have a different outcome, you have to change the cause of your outcomes – your thoughts, assumptions, believes. A good coach can help with that.
3. Your focus creates your reality. You are always 100% focused, but the question is – on what? A person will definitely achieve what he or she is focused on, it will happen sooner or later – depending of the strength of focus and cause/effect law. That is proven. Therefore be conscious what you are focusing on most of your time. Are they the right things that you want the result in? Do you need to remind yourself to change your focus? How do you choose where to focus on?
4. Perception creates the physical impact. When you meet a person first time, your perception about them creates your behaviour towards them that causes their reaction to your perception and behaviour. We did a little exercise in the room – imagining the person in front of us being either a good, bad, trustworthy, genius, loser, friendly, smart etc person. Every time when we changed the perception of the other person, our body language changed and the impact on the other person changed as well. The good news are – you can influence that by conscious choice of perception. You are creating perception in your life and you make decisions based on your created perception. You can influence your perception that will lead to desired events or outcomes.
5. Discover your True Talents and create natural success by focusing on your True Vision. When you follow your purpose, what’ s true vision for you, the doors will open for opportunities and even such doors will open that you did not know that they exist. If you do not know what to do, just stand it, do not take action until your intuition will tell you which way to go. Intuition can tell it, when you have discovered your true talents that you can use and you have your true vision to focus on. Then intuition will help to generate natural success for you. All what you want to achieve or get is already out there for you. As A. Einstein has said, everything already exists on a certain frequency. You must increase your frequency, vibration levels to meet the level of frequency where your desired outcomes exist.
I’m sure you have already heard of the above in one way or another. It just sometimes helps to look at the things from different perspective and discover new angles that can inspire to focus on your passion and true vision. And to get from the dreams to reality.