Develop Personal Brand to sky rocket your career

Develop Personal Brand to sky rocket your career

You might be the most experienced, knowledgeable, capable professional in the area, but I will tell you the truth – if you do not have your personal brand developed to stand out, you have absolutely no chance to sky rocket your career.

Research suggests that 83% of career success and promotion to an aspired role depends on your Personal Brand.

Between two candidates with seemingly equal qualifications, 39% of recruiters would be more inclined to consider the candidate with the strongest Personal Brand.

This is your great opportunity to take the driving seat in your career, develop your PERSONAL BRAND and elegantly and confidently win the race to your dream job.

Here is my “7 steps Personal Brand development formula” in a nutshell for you – to develop your brand, answer the following:

  1. What are your core talents?
  2. What is your passion that excites you?
  3. What are your highest values?
  4. What is your stand out behaviour or your WOW effect?
  5. What is your purpose – your WHY?
  6. What is your mission – what do you desire to accomplish?
  7. What is the vision you are aspiring to?

When you develop your brand, your confidence grows elegantly and astronomically. You become much more passionate, more inspired, energized. You are recognized for your contribution and become a dream hire in the eyes of employers. You do not have to run after your dream role, your future leaders and recruiters will run after you. It’s a much more aspirational place to be, isn’t it?

The outcome is excitingly enjoyable. You must have that burning desire and ambition to work through the Personal Brand development. It does not happen with a wave of a magic stick! But the rewards are immense. Let’s begin!

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